
Aiming to promote an ongoing research in the Smart Transportation domain towards world class achievements, the center defined a mechanism, designed to address the rapidly evolving challenges due to emerging technologies and other influential forces in the field.

Hence, we fund two main annual activities:

  1. KNOWLEDGE GAP RESEARCH – Conducted by each of the center’s Professional Committees. All reviews include recommendations for research topics within each committee's domain.
    The Knowledge Gap Research Reviews can be found HERE.
  2. ISTRC Annual CALLS FOR RESEARCH – Topics recommendations defined by the center’s Professional Committees, based on the Knowledge Gap Research and the results of the surveys conducted by the center.
    Please find below the winning proposals for each Call for Research.

The ISTRC Annual Call for Research 2023-2024 Evaluation Committee comprising of 6 faculty members from 6 Israeli academic institutions, conducted the review process of 22 proposals by 48 academic experts from Israel and abroad.
Following the committee's recommendations, ISTRC has awarded 10 grants with a total budget of 2,400,000 NIS.

ISTRC is grateful to the Evaluation Committee members for their dedication and congratulates the winning proposals.

Funding was allocated to the Principal Investigator’s (PI) respective academic institution.


Call for Research 2023-24 WINNERS.xlsx
The Factors Of Digital Mobility Divide and its Effect on Accessibility and Socio-Spatial IntegrationAmnon FrenkelTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyFaculty of Architecture and Town planning
Learning Pedestrian-Driver Communication and the "Almost-Accident" PhenomenaEsther David, Rina Azoulay, Wafa Elias, Matus Sucha and Pinchas DahanAchva Academic CollegeDepartment of Information Systems and Computer Science
Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles in Dense Urban EnvironmentsGera WeissBen-Gurion University of the NegevDepartment of Computer ​Science
Scalable Distributed Learning-based Approach for Joint Navigation in Local EnvironmentsGilad Katz and Igal BilikBen-Gurion University of the NegevDepartment of Software and Information Systems Engineering
From Data on Shared E-Scooters to Two-Wheel Vehicle Riders' Behavior: Route Choice as a Driver for Cycling Infrastructure DevelopmentItzhak Benenson and Aleksey OgulenkoTel Aviv UniversitySchool of the Environment and Earth Sciences
Using Network-Based and Agent-Based Approaches for Modeling Pedestrian Flows in the Urban NetworkItzhak OmerTel Aviv UniversitySchool of the Environment and Earth Sciences
Modeling, Control, and Simulation for Air MobilityJack HaddadTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering technion
Studying E-Scooters’ Safety Based on Spatially Explicit Knowledge of the Urban Road Infrastructure and Shared Dockless E-ScootersMali Sher and Itzhak BenensonHIT - Holon Institute of TechnologyFaculty of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management
An Integrated Framework for Analyzing Traffic Incidents and Optimizing Service Vehicle Deployment and DispatchMor Kaspi, Jonathan Brown and Ori Ben ShaharTel Aviv UniversityDepartment of Industrial Engineering
Global Traffic Management for Zero Transportation ExternalitiesShlomi Dolev and Ehud GudesBen-Gurion University of the NegevDepartment of Computer Science

The ISTRC Annual Call for Research 2022-2023 Evaluation Committee, consisting of 7 members from 5 Israeli academic institutions, managed a review process of 29 proposals conducted by 53 academic experts from Israel and abroad.
Based on the evaluation committee’s recommendation, ISTRC decided to fund 11 proposals, with a total budget of 2,500,000 NIS.

ISTRC would like to thank the members of the Call for Research 2022-2023 Evaluation Committee and to congratulate the winners. Notifications were sent to all Principal Investigators (PIs) who submitted a proposal.

The funding goes to the academic institution of the proposal’s Principal Investigator (PI).


Call for Research 2022-23 WINNERS.xlsx
Research TitleResearchersPI's Academic InstitutionPI's Faculty/DepartmentOutcome
A Two Stage Dynamic Delivery ProblemMichal Tzur and Marlin UlmerTel Aviv UniversityDepartment of Industrial EngineeringResearch Abstract

The research was presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Israel (ORSIS): Neria, G., Hildebrandt, F. D., Tzur, M., and Ulmer, M. W., "The Restaurant Meal Delivery Problem with Ghost Kitchens"

The research was presented at the 11th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop (TSL 2024): Neria, G., "Anticipatory Real Time Operations of Ghost Kitchens"

Article on arXiv (2024): Neria, G., Hildebrandt, F. D., Tzur, M., and Ulmer, M. W., "The Restaurant Meal Delivery Problem with Ghost Kitchens"
Big Data Analytics to Evaluate and Improve Policies of Shared E-scooters and MicromobilityHillel Bar-GeraBen-Gurion University of the NegevDepartment of Industrial Engineering and Management The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Shoshany Tavory, Sh., and Bar-Gera, H., "E-scooters at war: big data observations on the role of e-scooter during crisis recovery"
Does Road Pricing Reduce Congestion, and How?Itai Ater, Adi Shany and Shoshana VassermanTel Aviv UniversitySchool of Management
Erythrocyte-based Characterization of Automotive Radars’ Radiation Exposure on Human HealthYuri Feldman and Gregory BarshteinThe Hebrew University of JerusalemDepartment of Applied PhysicsResearch Abstract

The research was presented at Environmental Health Trust (EHT) Yale 2024 Symposium: Bilik, I., Barshtein, G., Betzalel, N., and Feldman., Y., "Exposure System for Electromagnetic Fields Interaction with Circulating Red Blood Cells"

The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Bilik, I., Barshtein, G., Betzalel, N., and Feldman., Y., "The influence of in-cabin microwave electromagnetic fields on the driver's blood properties"
Estimating the Incidence and Severity of Mobility Problems Across a PopulationKarel Martens and Matan SingerTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyFaculty of Architecture and Town PlanningResearch Abstract
Estimating the Safety Level of Urban Sites Based on the Analyses of Road-user Behaviours Using Automatically-generated Data: an Exploratory StudyWafa Elias, Victoria Gitelman, Etti Doveh and Jonathan AbirShamoon College of EngineeringCivil Engineering DepartmentResearch Abstract
Optimizing Route Controls for Public and Private VehiclesNathan Gartner, Sunbola Zatmeh-Kanj, Mark Eklin, Chronis Stamatiadis and Yuanchang XieAriel UniversityDepartment of Civil EngineeringResearch Abstract

Article in Journal of Advanced Transportation (Vol. 2024): Friedman, M. H., Mark, B. L., and Gartner, N. H., "Uninterrupted Maximum Flow on Signalized Traffic Networks"

The research was presented (as Poster) at the 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Dubrovin, K., Gartner, N., and Zatmeh-Kanj, S., "Environmental objectives in signal coordination: A case study"
Personalized and Automated TransportationBat-Hen Nahmias Biran and Francisco PereiraTel Aviv UniversityPorter School of Environmental StudiesResearch Abstract

The research was presented at hEART 2024 (The 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation): Dadashev, G., and Nahmias-Biran., B., "Optimizing Automated Mobility on-Demand Operation with Markovian Model: A Case Study of the Tel-Aviv Metropolis in 2040"

The research was presented at 2024 NECTAR Conference: Dadashev, G., "Optimizing Automated Mobility on-Demand Operation with Markovian Model: A Case Study of the Tel-Aviv Metropolis in 2040"
Practical Legal and Ethical Policy for CATE (Connected and Automated Transportation Externalities)Tal Zarsky and Yoram ShiftanUniversity of Haifa Faculty of LawResearch Abstract

The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Ken-Dror Feldman, D., Pinhas, N., and Zarsky., T., "Grants involving Ethics and Law in the Planning of Smart Transportation - Discussing Key Findings"
Queueing-Based and Data-Driven Design of Emergency Transportation ServicesYossi Luzon, Ohad Eizenhendler and Erel AvineriAfeka Academic College of Engineering in Tel AvivSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management
Semantic Perception and Planning for Reliable and Safe Online Autonomous Navigation and Decision MakingVadim IndelmanTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Aerospace Engineering and Technion Autonomous Systems Program

The Grant Evaluation Committee of the ISTRC Annual Call for Research 2021-2022 consisting of 8 members (from 5 Israeli academic institutions), after completing the assessment process, sent notifications to all Principal Investigators (PIs).

In total, during the assessment process 72 reviews were conducted by 67 academic experts from Israel and abroad.

34 proposals were submitted to this Call, out of which 7 will be funded.
The original budget of the Call was NIS 2,500,000. The ISTRC Steering Committee has approved a total amount of NIS 2,800,000 as the final funding of this Call based on the recommendation of the Grant Evaluation Committee.
The funding goes to the academic institution of the Principal Investigator (PI).


ISTRC Annual Call for Research 2021-2022 - WINNERS.xlsx
Research TitleResearchersPI's Academic
PI's Faculty /
Affordable Fuel Cells for Zero-Emission Transportation ApplicationsProf. Dario Dekel and Prof. Lior ElbazTechnion -
Israel Institute of Technology
Department of
Research Abstract

Article in ACS Catalysis: Persky, Y., Kielesiński, Ł., Reddy, S. N., Zion, N., Friedman, A., Honig, H. C., Koszarna, B., Zachman, M. J., Grinberg, I., Gryko, D. T., & Elbaz, L. (2023)., "Biomimetic Fe–Cu Porphyrrole Aerogel Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction"

Article in Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 62, 2023): Raslin, A., Douglin, J. C., Kumar, A., Fernandez-Dela-Mora, M., Dekel, D. R., and Gross, Z., "Size and Electronic Effects on the Performance of (Corrolato) cobalt-Modified Electrodes for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysis"

Article in Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy (Vol. 357, 2024): Singh, R. K., Douglin, J. C., Kumar, V., Tereshchuk, P., Santori, P. G., Ferreira, E. B., ... & Dekel, D. R., "Metal-free advanced energy materials for the oxygen reduction reaction in anion-exchange membrane fuel cells"
RUBICON - Road Users Behavior In advanced CONtexts during the era of shared road space of autonomous, connected vehicles and human driversProf. Tal Oron-Gilad and Dr. Ilit OppenheimBen-Gurion
of the Negev
Department of
Engineering and Management
Research Abstract

The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Oppenheim, I., and Oron-Gilad, T., "RUBICON - Road Users Behavior In advanced CONtexts during the era of shared road space of autonomous, connected vehicles and human driver"
Bridging a Gap between Regular and Demand-Responsive Public TransportProf. Itzhak Benenson, Dr. Aleksey Ogulenko and Mr. Nir SharavTel Aviv UniversityDepartment of
Research Abstract

The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Benenson, I., Ogulenko, A., Sharav, N., and Ishaq., R., "Adaptive development of public transport system"

Article in Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUMob '24): Benenson, I., Ogulenko, A., Sharav, N., and Ishaq, R., "Transit Planning Support System: A Novel View"
Adaptive Travel-time based Max-Pressure Traffic Signal Control using Deep Reinforcement LearningProf. Jack Haddad and Dr. Kouvelas AnastasiosTechnion -
Israel Institute of Technology
Civil and
Highly efficient power electronics wireless charging interface with reduced hardware requirementsProf. Alon KupermanBen-Gurion
of the Negev
Department of
Electrical and
Article in Energy 2024 (vol. 292): Vulfovich, A., and Kuperman, A., "Increasing tolerable coupling coefficients range of series-series compensated inductive wireless power transfer systems operating in restricted sub-resonant frequency region with constant current output"

Article in Energy 2024 (vol. 293): Vulfovich, A., and Kuperman, A., "Extending the lower bound of attainable load-independent voltage gain values range in contactless, feedbackless and sensorless power delivery links"

Article in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2023 (vol. 38): Kuperman, A., " Simple Enhancement of Series–Series-Compensated Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Links Operating With Load-Independent Voltage Output at Fixed Frequency to Attain Zero Inverter Phase Angle"

The research was presented at the International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG 2023): Vulfovich, A., Sitbon, M., and Kuperman, A., " Design of Frequency Bounded IWPT Systems under Sub-Resonant Control for Improved Misalignment Tolerance"

Article in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG): Vulfovich, A., Sitbon, M., and Kuperman, A., "Design of Frequency Bounded IWPT Systems under Sub-Resonant Control for Improved Misalignment Tolerance"

Article in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2022 (vol. 10): Vulfovich, A., and Kuperman, A., " Design Space of Sub-Resonant Frequency- Controlled Series–Series-Compensated Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Links Operating With Constant Output Current Under Frequency Constraints"

Article in Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP): Belenky, A., Chub, A., and Kuperman, A., "Coil-to-Coil Efficiency of ISS-Compensated Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Links Operating with Load-Independent Output Voltage at Fixed Frequency"

Article in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (2024): Vulfovich, A., and Kuperman, A., "Practical Phase Shift Angle Bounds in Current Fed Digitally Controlled ZVS Semi-Active Rectifiers"
'More walking' as a means of optimized movement and mobility in multimodal transportation: Increasing walking among users of trip planning appsProf. Jonathan Rabinowitz, Dr. Yuval Hadas ז"ל, Mr. Ben Galon and Ms. Inbal FriedlanderBar-Ilan UniversitySchool of
Social Work
The research was presented at the 3rd Annual & Students Conference of ISTRC 2023: Katz, D. E., Hadas, Y. and Rabinowitz, J., “Examine the feasibility of incorporating more walking into a commute with public transportation”
Abstract and Recording

The research was presented at the TRB 103rd Annual Meeting 2024: Hadas, Y., Katz, D. and Rabinowitz, J., "Feasibility of Incorporating More Walking into Commuting with Public Transportation"
Teleoperation Interfaces for Last-Mile Delivery RobotsProf. Joel LanirUniversity of HaifaDepartment of
Research Abstract

The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Boker, A., Grimberg, E., and Lanir., J., " Teleoperation Interfaces for Last-Mile Delivery Robots"

Article in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Robots for Humans (RfH 2024) at the 17th Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2024): Grimberg, E., Boker, A., and Lanir, J., "Interviewing stakeholders on the teleoperation of last-mile delivery robots"

The Grant Evaluation Committee of the ISTRC Annual Call for Research 2020-2021, consisting of 8 members (5 from Israeli academic institutions and 3 from academic institutions from abroad), completed the assessment process and sent notifications to all Principal Investigators (PIs).

Proposals have been reviewed by experts from over 25 countries, among them 10 Editors and Associate Editors of high impact factor journals in the field. A total of 193 reviews were conducted by the reviewers.

The Call includes 3 types of research proposals: Small, Medium and Large.

The original budget of the Call was NIS 3,500,000. However, the Grant Evaluation Committee highly recommended the funding of 4 additional proposals (3 Medium and 1 Large) for an additional amount of NIS 1,400,000. The ISTRC Steering Committee has approved a total amount of NIS 4,900,000 as the final funding of this Call. The funding goes to the academic institution of the Principal Investigator (PI).

ISTRC Annual Call for Research 2020-2021-SuccessRate.xlsx
Research TypeNo. of Submitted ProposalsNo. of Funded ProposalsSuccess Rate %
Small 25936.00%


ISTRC Annual Call for Research 2020-2021_Winners_FINAL_ForWeb.xlsx
Research SizeResearch TitleResearchersPI's Academic InstitutionPI's Faculty / DepartmentOutcome
SAdopting automated vehicles to create equitable transport marketsProf. Nicole Adler, Mr. Amir BrudnerThe Hebrew University of JerusalemThe School of Business AdministrationResearch Abstract

The research was presented at the INFORMS Anaheim 2021 Conference: Brudner, A., and Adler, N., "Adopting Automated Vehicles and Creating Equitable Transport Markets"

The research was presented at The 2nd Israeli Smart Transportation Students Conference 2021: Brudner, A., and Adler, N., "Adopting Automated Vehicles And Creating Equitable Transport Markets"

The research was presented at the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA) Annual Conference 2022: Brudner, A., and Adler, N., "Adopting automated vehicles and creating equitable transport markets"
LStudies of Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles: Modification of Li, Mn-rich Cathode Materials with Surface Coatings via Atomic Layer DepositionProf. Doron Aurbach, Prof. Yair Ein-Eli, Dr. Hadar Sclar, Dr. Sandipan Maiti, Prof. Boris Markovsky, Dr. Alexander KraytsbergBar-Ilan UniversityChemistryResearch Abstract
MBats-Inspired Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive RadarsDr. Igal Bilik, Prof. Yossi Yovel, Mr. Menahem OrenBen-Gurion University of the NegevElectrical and Computer EngineeringResearch Abstract

The research was presented at the BGU ABC Students Conference 2022: Dgani, N., Bilik, I., and Yovel, Y., "Bats-inspired swarm navigation"
SAirBay – a Distributed Ledger Platform for Trading UAVs' Air RightsDr. Rami PuzisBen-Gurion University of the NegevSoftware and Information Systems EngineeringResearch Abstract

The research was presented at The 2nd Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) Annual Conference 2022: Kremener, M., Michal, R., Barshap, G., and Puzis, R., "AirBay - Platform for trading space-time assets: The case of drone routes in urban area"
LSmart Wearable Sensors for Monitoring Stress and Load in Driving TasksProf. Gil Luria, Prof. Hossam Haick, Dr. Hadas Marciano, Mr. Erez KitaUniversity of Haifa Human Services Department, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health SciencesResearch Abstract
SPeer Effects and Workers Preferences Regarding Working from HomeProf. Eyal Winter, Dr. Yevgeny Mugerman, Dr. Rinat MerkovichThe Hebrew University of JerusalemSocial Sciences/EconomicsResearch Abstract

The research was presented at the 3rd Annual & Students Conference of ISTRC 2023: Winter, E., " Keep an Eye on Your Employees, But Not Two: An Experimental Study of Online Monitoring, Performance, and Effort"
MEvaluating the safety of signalized intersections by methods of video analyticsProf. Hillel Bar-Gera, Mr. Or SelaBen-Gurion University of the NegevIndustrial Engineering and ManagementResearch Abstract

The research was presented at the 3rd Annual & Students Conference of ISTRC 2023: Gal, O. and Bar Gera, H., "Safety & Dilemma zone analysis of signalized intersections' data acquired by video analytics"

The research was presented at The 42nd Annual Conference of the Israeli Association of Transportation Research 2023: Bar-Gera, H., "Safety and Dilemma zone analysis of signalized intersections' data acquired by video analytics"

Article at SSRN (2024): Ophir, O., and Bar-Gera, H., "Yellow Light Dilemma Analysis Using Trajectory Data Acquired by Video Analytics"
SPublic Transportation Literacy and the Accessibility of Elderly travelers under MaaSDr. Eran Ben-Elia, Dr. Svetlana Daichman, Prof. Hillel Bar-GeraBen-Gurion University of the NegevGeographyResearch Abstract

The research was presented at The 2nd Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) Annual Conference 2023: Daichman, S., Ben-Elia, E., and Bar-Gera, H., "Public Transportation Literacy – a new concept to boost elderly people's mobility"

The research was presented at The 16th International Network on European Communication and Transport Activity Research (NECTAR) Conference 2022: Daichman, S., Ben-Elia, E., and Bar-Gera, H., "Public Transport Literacy: a step toward a more inclusive society for the elderly"
SDynamic routing to achieve efficient and fair distributionProf. Michal TzurTel Aviv UniversityEngineering/Industrial EngineeringResearch Abstract

The research was presented at The 2nd Israeli Smart Transportation Students Conference 2021: Neria, G., and Tzur, M., "Dynamic routing to achieve efficient and fair allocation"

The research was presented at The 3rd Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2023: Neria, G., and Tzur., M., "Dynamic resource allocation to achieve efficiency and fairness"
MLaw and Ethics by Design in the Vision of the Zero Transportation ExternalitiesProf. Tal Zarsky, Prof. Yoram Shiftan, Prof. Amnon Reichman, Dr. Nathan Pinhas, Dr. Dalit Ken-Dror Feldman, Dr. Karni Chagal-FeferkornUniversity of HaifaFaculty of LawResearch Abstract

Article in Georgia Law Review 2023: Zarsky, T. and Cop, Sh., "When Software Meets the Road: Responsibility for Defective Smart Cars in the MVP Era"

The research was presented at the Digital Governance and the Law in the Age of AI Conference 2023: Zarsky, T., "Responsibility for Defective Smart Cars in the MVP Era"

The research was presented at the Georgia Law Review Symposium 2023: The Intersection of Law & Technology: Cop, Sh., " Responsibility for Defective Smart Cars in the MVP Era "

The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Ken-Dror Feldman, D., Pinhas, N., and Zarsky., T., "Grants involving Ethics and Law in the Planning of Smart Transportation - Discussing Key Findings"
SAn examination of safety impacts of high-occupancy vehicle lanesProf. Tomer Toledo , Dr. Victoria Gitelman, Prof. Shalom HakkertTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyTransportation Research InstituteResearch Abstract

The research was presented at the 2nd ISTRC Annual Conference 2022: Gitelman, V., Doveh, E. and Hakkert, Sh., "Examining Safety Impacts of High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes: International Experience and an Evaluation of First Operation in Israel"

Article in Sustainability 2023: Gitelman, V. and Doveh, E., "Examining the Safety Impacts of High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes: International Experience and an Evaluation of First Operation in Israel"
SRoad tests of fuel savings by passive and active reduction of aerodynamic drag on the rear of a trailerProf. Avraham SeifertTel Aviv UniversityEngineering/Mechanical EngineeringResearch Abstract

The research was presented at The 3rd Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2023: Mizrahi, N., Katz, O., Fromm, M., Turgeman, Y., Mizrahi, B., Drori, O., Sudarskis, Z., and Seifert., A., "Road test of an aerodynamic drag-reducing device connected to the rear-end of a small trailer"
SAn integrated model for shared mobility systems that considers endogenous demand and travel timesProf. Shlomo BekhorTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyCivil and Environmental EngineeringResearch Abstract

Article in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2023: Yao, R. and Bekhor, Sh., "A general equilibrium model for multi-passenger ridesharing systems with stable matching"

The research was presented at the hEART 2022: 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation: Yao, R., and Bekhor, S., "Accounting for driver-passenger matching decisions in a ridesharing simulation platform"

The research was presented at The 3rd Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2023: Bekhor, S., "A ridesharing simulation platform that considers dynamic supply-demand interactions"
MUsing gamification as a tool for promoting sustainable use of Mobility-as-a-ServiceProf. Sigal Kaplan, Prof. Shlomo Bekhor Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
MDriving pattern mining and speed-limit sign compliance using probe vehicle dataDr. Ayelet Gal-Tzur, Dr. Zohar Barnett-Itzhaki, Prof. Sagi Dalyot, Prof. Tomer Toledo, Prof. Silvio Nocera, Ruppin Academic CenterIndustrial and Management EngineeringResearch Abstract
MDesigning pricing strategies for sustainable urban mobility futures via high-fidelity simulation of large scale cities Dr. Bat-Hen Nahmias-Biran, Prof. YoramShiftan, Dr.Israel Feldman, Mr. Sami EdriAriel UniversityDepartment of Civil EngineeringResearch Abstract

Article in Sustainability 2023: Nahmias-Biran, B., Dadashev, G., and Levi, Y., "Sustainable Automated Mobility-On-Demand Strategies in Dense Urban Areas: A Case Study of the Tel Aviv Metropolis in 2040"

The research was presented at The 42nd Annual Conference of the Israeli Association of Transportation Research 2023: Nahmias-Biran, B., "Sustainable automated mobility on-demand strategies in dense urban areas"

The research was presented at The 3rd Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2023: Dadashev, G., Levi, Y., and Nahmias-Biran, B., "Sustainable automated mobility on-demand strategies in dense urban areas"

The research was presented at the International Symposium on Transportation Data & Modelling (ISTDM2023): Nahmias-Biran, B., "Sustainable automated mobility on-demand strategies in dense urban areas"
MAutonomous Robotic Charging System for Electric vehiclesProf. Amir Shapiro Ben-Gurion University of the NegevMechanical Engineering DepartmentResearch Abstract
MDynamic capacity management for sustainable public transportation serviceProf. Tal Raviv, Dr. Yuval Hadas ז"ל, Dr. Illit Oppenheim, Dr. Avi Tillman, Mr. Israel Rom, Mr. Or AsherTel Aviv UniversityIndustrial EngineeringResearch Abstract

The research was presented at the 4th Annual & Students Conference of ISTRC 2024: Raviv, T. and Oppenheim, I., "The dynamic bus scheduling problem"
MHybrid Planning for Last Mile Logistics Using Trucks and DronesDr. Erez Karpas, Prof. Per-Olof GutmanTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIndustrial Engineering and Management The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Taitler, A., Karpas, E., and Gutman, P., "Model-based method for Planning and Control in Hybrid Domains"
MGuiding and Guarding Deep Learning for Autonomous Vehicles using Scenario-Based ProgrammingDr. Guy Katz, Dr. Achiya ElyasafThe Hebrew University of JerusalemComputer ScienceResearch Abstract

Article in Springer Nature Computer Science: Yerushalmi, R., Amir, G., Elyasaf, A., Harel, D., Katz, G. and Marron, A., "Enhancing Deep Reinforcement Learning with Scenario-Based Modeling"

Article in Proceedings of MODELSWARD 2022: Yerushalmi, R., Amir, G., Elyasaf, A., Harel, D., Katz, G. and Marron, A., "Scenario-Assisted Deep Reinforcement Learning"

Article in Proceedings of MODELSWARD 2023: Ashrov, A. and Katz, G., "Enhancing Deep Learning with Scenario-Based Override Rules: a Case Study"

Article in Applied Sciences 2022: Poliansky, R., Sipper, M. and Elyasaf, A., "From Requirements to Source Code: Evolution of Behavioral Programs"

The research was presented at the 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD) 2022: Yerushalmi, R., Elyasaf, A., Harel, D., Katz, G., and Marron, A., "Scenario-Assisted Deep Reinforcement Learning"

The research was presented at the 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD) 2023: Ashrov, A., and Katz, G., "Enhancing Deep Learning with Scenario-Based Override Rules: A Case Study"

The research was presented at The 3rd Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2023: Ashrov, A., and Katz., G., "Guarding deep neural networks using scenario-based modeling"
SLegal liability for the actions of Level 3 autonomous vehiclesProf. Yuval Shany, Dr. Omri Rachum, Mr. Gadi PerlThe Hebrew University of JerusalemFaculty of LawResearch Abstract

The research was presented at The 4th Annual & Students Conference of the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) 2024: Perl, G., and Rachum-Twaig, O., "Human Liability in Semi-Autonomous Vehicles"

"CoroNa" RESEARCH 2020  

Upon the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center initiated a Call for Research named "CoroNa" for research proposals targeting transportation and coronavirus.

A total of 38 proposals were submitted from 13 academic institutions, of which 6 proposals won a total of ILS 550,000, involving 14 researchers from 5 academic institutions in Israel.


Research TitleResearchersPI's Academic InstitutionPI's Faculty/DepartmentOutcome
Passenger behavior in a Level 3 autonomous vehicle used to transport Corona patientsProf. Eyal Yaniv, Eng. Webkobinik and Eng. SalomonovBar-Ilan UniversityThe School of Business Administration Research overview
Examining travel behavior changes among users of car-sharing services in times of COVID-19 outbreakProf. Tomer Toledo and Dr. Einat TenenboimTechnionFaculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringResearch Abstract

Research overview
Autonomous Refueling SystemProf. Amir Shapiro and Mr. Shmulik EdelmanBen-Gurion University of the NegevDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringResearch Abstract

Research overview
Transportation preferences during COVID19 epidemicProf. Gil Luria and Dr. Hadas MarcianoUniversity of HaifaFaculty of Social Welfare and Health SciencesResearch overview

The research was presented at the 9th International Ergonomics Conference: Maricano, H., Luria, G. and Cohen-Moravia, N., "Transportation Preferences and Risks Perception During the Covid-19 Era"
Spatially-explicit modeling of SARS-CoV-2 spread by public transportProf. Itzhak Benenson, Prof. Yehuda Carmeli and Dr. Liz TemkinTel Aviv UniversityDepartment of GeophysicsResearch overview

The research was presented at the 2021 European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG 2021): Klein, I., Ben-Dor, G., Ogulenko, A., Saadoun, A. and Benenson, I., "Spatially-explicit modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 transmission between population groups in Jerusalem"

The research was presented at the 1st Annual Conference of the TAU Center for Combating Pandemics: Benenson, I., "Spatially explicit modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 transmission between Population groups in Jerusalem"
Pedestrian walking patterns and traffic in Tel-Aviv, Israel, during COVID-19 quarantine and exit-quarantine policies, using BT sensor technologyProf. Pnina Plaut and Dr. Sagi DalyotTechnionFaculty of
Architecture and Town Planning
Research Abstract

Research overview

Article in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (2022): Angel, A., Cohen, A., Dalyot, S. and Plaut, P., "Impact of COVID-19 policies on pedestrian traffic and walking patterns"

The research was presented at the Mobile Tartu 2020 Virtual Conference: Cohen, A., Dalyot, S. and Plaut, P., "Evaluating Bluetooth sensors as a tool for collecting pedestrians` flow data"

The research was presented at the International Symposium on Geospatial Approaches to Combating Covid-19: Plaut, P., Angel, A., Dalyot, S. and Cohen, A., "Impact of COVID-19 policies on pedestrian traffic and walking patterns"